AquaMorph Productions

Making custom Lego minifigures can be a valuable skill for the experienced brickfilmer to the amatuer Lego lover.
This tutorial reveals how you can make your own lego minifigure quickly and easily.
Told you I put lots of stuff here 😛

This tutorial was produced by Filmmaker’s Guide. For more:

Step One: Find a design.

You can find many designs here:
Tip: Know the background color, and note if you can use it or not

Step Two: Editing the image.

Cropping in MS Word:
Ms Word 2007:

Proper dimentions of a Lego Minifigure:
Hight- .51 inches
Lenght- .61 inches

Step Three: Print the template

Tip: If you have stock paper, use it.

Step Four: Cut out and trim

Step Five: Locate a correspanding minifigure

Tip: Do this once you have the design

Tip: The simpler the comtomized peice, the better

Step Six: Tape on the design

Tip: Place the decal from the top to the bottom.

Step Seven: Add finishing touches.